Discover friction points in your forms with form analytics

Thoroughly analyze your form reports to determine how visitors interact with forms, what fields they fill in first, and what leads them to drop off.


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Better understand form behavior.

Form submits exhibits overall data of how many people submitted the form. With NotifyVisitors,
you can further see field-level statistics to understand beyond your average submission rate.


Total time

The average time taken by visitors to fill the form and the average time spent on a specific field. This data will enable you to find those form fields that need the longest time to fill. You can then simplify those fields to improve the form completion time.


Interaction time

The average of actual time spent in completing a form field. If visitors are spending too much time on a certain field, you may need to either make the field optional or move it toward the end of the form.


Hesitation time

The average idle time spent on a form field. It possesses time spent thinking, confusion regarding what the field means, or any other ambiguity related to the field.



The percentage of visitors that re-filled a certain field. A high percentage of re-fills means that visitors find it challenging to interpret what the field means.



The number of visitors who submit the form and leave a particular field blank. Fields that visitors often ignore are major reasons for form abandonment.



This form metric indicates the number of visitors who did not submit the form and the precise field where they left it.

Visualize the form conversion funnel

NotifyVisitors Form Analytics offers you an insight into how visitors moved through
each stage of your form’s conversion funnel.


Form funnel report

Understand how many visitors landed on a form, what percentage interacted with the form, and how many of them ultimately submitted. The report also contains data on drop-offs at every stage.

Date-range graphs

Date-range graphs allow you to compare your forms’ conversion data over time. You can further annotate these graphs to record changes made (such as starting an Adwords campaign or optimizing a form landing page) on precise dates.


Our form analytics has a lot more


Auto-detect / manual tracking

All you have to do is enter your website URL, and NotifyVisitors will automatically detect all your forms and start gathering data. You can also choose certain forms and manually add them to your tracking list.


Share reports

Share your form reports with coworkers to brainstorm and uncover insights.


Add observations

You can see how people interact with the form but do not submit it. So, NotifyVisitors allows you to add your observation right there and keeps a snapshot of your form report along with it.



NotifyVisitors forms record data in real-time so you don’t miss any submit or drop-offs.

Trusted by 6000+ Ecommerce Brands

Best multi-channel Customer Engagement Software
for your eCommerce Store.

Trusted by 6000+ Ecommerce Brands

Best multi-channel Customer Engagement Softwarefor your eCommerce Store.