Top 15 Time Management Strategies to Increase Productivity
Nowadays, due to the rise in remote working conditions, it’s a real struggle to find time for personal commitments. Most of us spend a large part of a day at work to finish our projects on time. It feels like we are being joggled between personal and work-life that we rarely have time for a ‘me-time’.
So how do we manage our time better so that we productively do things? The answer is effective time management strategies.
Time management is a crucial skill for those who want to be more productive at their work and want to maintain a healthy work-life balance. PeppyBiz provides task management solutions for you to relax while growing your business at the same time.
The following article discusses the top 15 time management strategies that can make you more productive and keep you relaxed.
Top 15 Time Management Strategies.
1. Organise and declutter

The first time management strategy is the cleaning and organizing of your workspace. It seems like an unimportant time management strategy, but keeping your things where they belong can save you a lot of time.
When your workspace is messy, you might waste your time searching for something, and when you can’t find it, you are bound to get frustrated.
Set aside time to keep your place organized and decluttered. This serves as an effective first step if you want to make use of time management strategies.
2. Establish a daily plan

Create a daily plan before the day starts and ensure that you stick to the plan no matter what. A daily task planner app can help you organize tasks, set reminders, and monitor progress to stay on track. In this time management strategy, your goal is to follow the plan as closely as possible, ensuring optimal daily productivity.
To-Do lists are the best way to approach a daily plan, and they are essential for our success.
But making a long list of things can stress people out and even make them fail their plans. Always add a task to the To-Do list only if you are confident you can manage your time. In short, keep it minimal.
3. Say ‘No!’ to multitasking

The ability to multitask might sound like an impressive skill in your resume, but it is not very productive. This is because the human brain can’t handle more than one task at a time.
When you multitask, you split your concentration between various tasks. This results in the decline of the quality of your work.
It is an effective time management strategy to focus on one thing at a time than to waste your time on switching tasks. Try focusing all your energy and concentration on one task at a time. This is how you use this time management strategy.
4. Use a Calendar

This is one of the fundamental steps in time management. Making use of a calendar facilitates easy management of your daily activities.
Most project management software has calendars built-in to keep your works organized. It also keeps us notified about the project deadlines.
Using a basic tool such as a calendar might sound like an obvious thing, but most individuals increase their mental stress by preferring to keep it all in their heads. Using this time management strategy is rather simple, jot down all the deadlines in your calendar!
5. Prioritise your tasks

This time management strategy is about doing the right things in the right order. This is an effective time management strategy that can save you from failing to do your tasks on time.
It is beneficial to organize tasks together. This allows you to allot time to focus on other things.
Organize your tasks using project management software or any other form of organizers. List all your tasks based on their importance and due dates, and drop tasks that are not vital. This is the best way to use this time management strategy.
6. Aim to finish the work early

This time management strategy is about making up your mind to complete the task earlier than the deadline.
For instance, fix the deadline in your mind at 6:00 PM for a work that is due by 7:00 PM. This way, you can complete your task on time and manage any mishaps before the deadline.
When you aim to be on time, you’ll either be on time or late, but you can be sure to finish early or on time but never late if you target to be early.
7. Assign deadlines for all tasks
Always set a deadline even if there is no specific deadline mentioned. Parkinson’s Law implies that work always blows up, in proportion to the time available for completing it. This means if there are no deadlines, then you will use as much time as you want. But if there is a deadline, you will be more driven to be on time. Use time-tracking software to track the time spent on each task.
8. Prepare a distraction list
This is an unusual time management strategy but still an effective one. We all know that distractions make our work harder and more challenging for us to complete tasks on time. But we cannot own all our distractions. This is where this effective time management strategy comes into play.
It can even help manage that random thought that comes to your mind during work. Writing it down on the distraction list takes that thought away from your mind. This can let you focus on your work and get back to your random interesting thoughts after the work, making it a win-win situation.
9. Focus on results
Giving importance to the hours spent rather than the results has adverse effects on your work. This time management strategy helps us focus more on the work’s quality rather than the physical work involved.
This can save a lot of time since ignoring the factory-like culture makes room for idea generation. PeppyBiz provides modern solutions to conventional problems making the work environment more positive and well-managed.
10. Having an optimistic attitude
A positive work environment improves the quality of work and saves time. How? It prevents us from indulging in time-wasting activities like complaining and procrastination.
Proper communication with colleagues has positive impacts on the work, so it is important to have a good communication tool to collaborate with your colleagues. PeppyBiz software solutions provide a way to connect with apps that you already use to promote ease of sharing and communicating in a workspace.
11. Overcome procrastination

We all have days when we get overwhelmed, and the first response to that is the procrastination of work. This has a direct negative impact on productivity.
Try scheduling smaller tasks on the days you feel bored or overwhelmed to work for a long time. This time management strategy can help you stay on track and also keep your productivity higher. With proper solutions from PeppyBiz, you can organize your tasks based on your task’s importance and duration to manage time effectively.
12. Break down larger tasks

Breaking down a larger task into smaller ones shows increased quality and productivity of work. This is an effective time management strategy to manage smaller tasks with suitable breaks to complete a larger task.
A project manager can assign various small tasks to complete a larger one by organizing and delegating work through suitable project management software.
13. Decision-making skills
This time management strategy is a way of improving yourself to positively impact your work. To achieve this, automate as many decisions as possible. You can also improve your decision-making skills by conducting a cost-benefit analysis and setting time limits.
14. Create routines
Setting your personal life apart from work is a tough task that one can achieve by using routine plans. A routine plan can be anything from organizing your things to preparing your workspace. The essence of this time management strategy is to keep these routines out of your work, so you don’t feel overwhelmed to do the small deeds.
15. Don’t burden yourself with work
Managing a project is a task that involves careful planning. If not for careful planning, one team-member gets burdened with more work, than the others.
Always check your To-Do list on your project management software before agreeing on working more.
Most employees feel uncomfortable saying ‘No’ and accept all works that come their way. This is not healthy for a person’s state of mind and not good for the project’s productivity. This time management comes last on the list, but this is one of the most crucial time management strategies because it highlights the importance of having a proper project management tool.
Why PeppyBiz?

PeppyBiz is a renowned organization that provides services related to project management. It manages the customer requests with desired speed for effective use of time. PeppyBiz provides you with fantastic services and amazing software solutions to manage your projects with ease. PeppyBiz is your one-stop destination for all your management needs.
When you are clear about your day-to-day responsibilities, you will be more focused and get more results in less time. Employing effective time management strategies involves prioritizing and organizing tasks in a way that can save time. Using these strategies may surprise you as to how much time you have for your commitments. And remember that PeppyBiz is always there to guide you!