Sales Management Ultimate Guide Everything You Need To Know
Sales management takes experience and a refined approach to get results. It requires synchronization with the marketing team and awareness of the latest techniques. Moreover, your brand awareness, persona, and management skills play an important role.
Sales were never easy, and remote work has added more woes to the already grim field. Sales managers require new strategies to handle a dynamic shift. In addition, they also need to apply their mind to handle potential customers.
In this ultimate guide, we will cover everything you need to know about sales management.
What is Sales Management?

Sales management is the process of leading and managing sales representatives to develop a business relationship with potential clients. It is achieved by putting sales strategies, sales processes, and business objectives in mind. The main objective of the sales manager is not only to achieve the sales target but to surpass it.
The process keeps companies competitive and aggressive in their playing field. It provides a clear insight into fault lines so that a timely course correction can be undertaken. In addition, the process also includes training the team and researching new models.
5 Sale Management Strategies that Work
The sales manager is responsible for making a sales strategy and providing a clear vision to their team. The initial process is aligning the sales process with business goals. Developing a sales strategy will also give management a clear view, and if required, the process can be amended before implementation.
Here are five strategies that businesses should implement to achieve their sales objectives.
1. Define Goals and Objectives
The first thing sales managers must do is define goals and objectives for the entire team. We are not talking of the company goals but emphasizing individual goals. It will ensure your entire team is working in sync and pulling strings in their area of influence.
The goals and objectives can be different for different members. For example, focus on training for freshers, give job objectives, functioning and client interaction, or anything you deem fit for that matter.
Communicating these goals and objectives must be clear and comprehensive. A clear direction is important for the entire team at whatever position the individual is positioned. It ensures everyone is clear about their role and responsibilities. This way, the team understands functioning, and it is easy for you to add more information to the list.
2. Focus on Training

To keep pace with the challenges of sales, you need a highly skilled and motivated team. Training and correct guidance are important facets of sales management. Most businesses accept training as a vital area and devote much attention to it.
Training ensures all candidates have a level playing field of information to start. It also covers training your team on making use of technology to deal with customers. It can be a chatbot or a sales hub that is used to convert leads into clients.
3. Coordinating Sales
The sales manager must determine the sales process for the team. Taking a clue of previous results and experiences, a sales strategy must be developed with coordinated efforts. It is achieved by dividing the process into smaller parts. The aim must be to achieve coordination and accomplish small objectives.
The most important aspect of coordinating sales is ensuring sales and marketing teams are working in unison. All leads given by marketing must be encased by the sales team. In addition, both teams must use the same platform to give feedback. It gives a clear picture to the management.
4. Generating Sales Revenue Report

A sales manager is responsible for compiling and analyzing sales reports. It gives a true picture of a team’s success and drawbacks when applying strategies on the ground. In addition, the sales report gives you an insight into which strategies worked and which didn’t.
The sales report is also essential for higher management to analyze sales management’s performance. Based on the report, you can also figure out which products are liked by the customers and which products need improvement.
5. Evaluation

A good sales process demands an enthusiastic and motivated team. Sales reports must follow brainstorming and evaluation for consistent growth. In addition, companies need to update their methods and strategies.
Evaluation is done by improving training, automation, or product.
A good CRM tool can be an important asset in evaluation. It gives a detailed insight into individual performances as well as product acceptance reports. If a new product is launched, it becomes more important to assess its performance.
Sales Management Responsibilities
Once we have our sales strategies in place duly reviewed, we should analyze our sales responsibilities.
1. Selecting the Right Candidate

A sales management team needs the right candidate for the right job. As a sales manager, training a potential candidate is much easier. It must begin with consistent recruitment so that there are always potential candidates up your kitty.
Try spending some time on LinkedIn or look for feedback or referrals in-house or within your network. Insite of relying entirely on the HR channel, you must assess what is lacking in your team. One way to handle this is by coaching your team, and the second way is to look for potential candidates
2. Address the problems ASAP
All problems need to be resolved at their nascent stage before they become huge. The best way to catch hold of problems is to shadow them. Adopt best practices for your team and inculcate the habit of daily reporting and feedback. It is good to rely on written reports, but many times the problems can be resolved by a phone call.
3. Meetings

Physical conferences or virtual meetings, both time-consuming. However, you cannot deny its importance and necessity. The best way is to keep a set time and day for the meeting rather than throwing surprises for the entire team. In meetings, the aim should be to focus on productivity rather than analyzing sales reports. Focus on aligning your teams for better communication, customer support, and marketing.
4. Reporting

Reporting and data analysis are the most important aspects of sales management. It will give you a complete picture of individual performances and product assessments. In addition, you can evaluate how near or far you are from your set goals for a financial year.
For accurate reporting, you must rely on automation tools. It is a great way to generate reports and make a comparison. It can also help evaluate your brand as compared to others in the same niche.
5. Time Management

An efficient sales manager can effectively manage his time. A disorganized team will be low on results and high on consuming valuable time. Studies indicate relying on emails saves time than relying on a chat platform. However, chatbots provide instant solutions. Giving a decision levy to selected experienced members will save your time resolving petty issues.
Sales management is not an easy task and needs a calm composure with a refined experience. There are many areas and people that need monitoring before results are visible. The efforts begin with the right approach and putting the right strategies in place.
1. How to structure the sales training?
Sales training should start with an executive-level program. It will define the company’s key objectives and prepare a road map to train others.
There are three aspects of training in sales.
a) Interaction: Live training and presentations are the most common forms of interactive training. It allows trainees to clear their doubts and learn from real-time experiences.
b) Inter-departmental: Staying in closed compartments is neither good for individual growth nor businesses. Learning and sharing departmental experiences makes you aware of the complete process and problem areas.
c) Customer Perspective: It is a proven fact that the success of businesses depends on customer satisfaction. It is a good approach to invite customers to share their experiences. It gives a complete picture of the product.
2. How to calculate sales growth?
Continuous revenue growth indicates sustainable sales growth. There is a set formula to calculate ROI growth. Based on this formula, parameters like last year’s sales, sales staff growth potential, and evaluation of hidden costs. This formula can easily predict increased or decreased revenues. In addition, it provides a growth pattern when compared to the company’s target.
3. What is the best sales process?
No defined process can be called the best. Any sales process that works for the company will be the best. The process must not be for individual growth, but it should be objective centric benefiting the entire team. It should keep in mind the consumer, and most important should be a reliable process.