SaaS Onboarding Emails 

What is Customer Onboarding?

– Purpose of SaaS onboarding emails in guiding customers. – Role of onboarding in fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. – Enhancing communication between businesses and customers.

Examples and Best Practices


Send a Compelling Welcome Email

– Importance of making a positive first impression. – Moz's example of a dual-purpose welcome email. – Focusing on guidance and value provision.


Use Personalization

– Enhancing customer experience through personalization. – Bonjoro's example of personalized onboarding with video messages.


Focus Your Content on Your Call to Action

– Setting goals for engagement emails. – Emphasizing the importance of compelling calls to action. – Airtable's example of effective copy and CTAs.


Test Your Message

– Importance of testing to meet diverse customer expectations. – Utilizing Split Testing for measuring open and click rates.


Avoid Generic Subject Lines

– Recognizing the impact of subject lines on email open rates. – Encouragement to use persuasive and unique subject lines.