How to Capture Emails for Shopify? 10 Best Tips to Capture Email

Why Grow Your Email List?

Asset for Digital Marketing: Email lists are crucial for business, startups, and blogging success in email marketing. – Other Reasons: Various motivations may drive the desire to grow an email list.

How to Capture Emails for Shopify?

1. Use the Exit-Intent      Popup

– Appears when visitors are about to leave the site. – Proven to be effective in capturing emails.

2. Create great landing       page

– Include testimonials, attractive offers, visual content, and prominent subscribe buttons. – Essential for generating traffic, increasing conversion rates, and building a strong email subscription list.

3. Conduct Visitor      Surveys: 

– Obtain instant feedback and capture email leads creatively. – Utilize tools like WPForms for WordPress users or other free options.

4. Trust and Loyalty: 

– Utilize social proof popups to instill trust and encourage signups. – Showcase others signing up for emails to demonstrate content value.

4. Provide Benefits to      Repeat Customers: 

– Offer incentives to repeat visitors to sign up for newsletters. – Enhances email personalization and creates value for users.