Decoding Communication: Email vs Push Notifications 


– The ongoing debate:    Email vs Push    Notifications in    marketing. – Importance of choosing    the right communication    method for your    business.

Overview of Email Marketing 

– Email's historical    background and       evolution as a    communication tool. – Often labeled as spam    marketing but remains    a powerful way to    engage users. – Crafting impactful    emails can lead to    significant user impact    and conversions.

Overview of Push Notifications Marketing 

– Push notifications as a    newer and more    effective medium for    user engagement. – Best suited for the    internet and smartphone    era, delivered via     phones or browsers. – Utilizes targeted    information for better    message conveyance    and higher conversions.

Email vs Push Notifications – Effective ways of communication

1. Length of Content          Matters  

– Push Notifications: Short and direct messages, using targeted words for the audience. – Emails: Typically longer, exceeding 60 words, and may be perceived as wordy.

2. Tolerance Phenomenon 

– Push Notifications: Risk of annoying app users; spamming may lead to notification opt-outs. – Emails: Lower unsubscribe rates; users may ignore, redirect to spam, or delete emails.

3. One-Click Subscription 

– Push Notifications: Higher one-click subscription rates due to immediate online presence. – Emails: Faces challenges with subscriptions as users may perceive them as spam.

4. Click-Through Rate 

– Push Notifications: High click-through rate due to concise messages and targeted audience. – Emails: Lower click-through rates; emails often go unopened or are bounced.

5. Optimization Rate 

– Push Notifications: 12% optimization rate; short, clear messages with a 100% view rate. – Emails: 1.9% optimization rate; lower view rate, often ignored or bounced.