15 Email Subject Line Best Practices for 2023

Lined Circle

15 Email Subject Line Best Practices for 2023 

1. Personalize subject          line

– Move beyond just adding name. – Use specific details to capture attention. – Utilize generative AI prompts for personalization.

2. Use Number

– Add data and numbers for specificity. – Avoid exaggeration to maintain credibility.

3. Use social proof

– Leverage social proof for credibility. – Mention raw numbers or specific influencer.

4. Test email subject line

– Test subject lines before sending. – Use tools like NotifyVisitors for enhancement. – Conduct A/B testing for effectivene.

4. Never use ALL-CAPS

– Avoid using all caps in subject line. – Builds trust and authority with non-spammy line.

5. Keep them short and     sweet

– Aim for brevity, around 41 characters or seven word. – Consider the volume of emails received daily.

5. Use action-oriented           verb

– Learn – Improve – Download – Increase – Join