Crafting Impactful Newsletters: 15 Best Practices for Success in 2023 

Lined Circle

Set Clear Expectations 

– Inform subscribers about the content and frequency of newsletters during sign-up. – Helps manage expectations and reduces the likelihood of content fatigue or spam reports.

Crafting Impactful Newsletters: 15 Best Practices for Success in 2023 

1. Pay attention to your email newsletter design

– Design layout for easy readability and clear CTAs. – Ensure accessibility with color contrast, readable fonts, alt text for images. – Maintain brand consistency with logo, website, and social media links.

2. Write newsletters that offer value to the reader

– Prioritize delivering value over promotional content. – Aim for 90% educational content and 10% promotional material. – Seek feedback from subscribers to gauge content effectiveness.

3. Include Unsubscribe Option 

– Provide a clear, one-click unsubscribe option. – Enhances email deliverability and respects subscribers' preferences.

4. Optimize for Mobile Devices 

– Ensure newsletters are mobile-friendly, given that 81% check emails on smartphones. – Preview campaigns for mobile view and adjust layout accordingly.

5. Use Alternative Text for Images 

– Include alternative text for images to convey information when images are disabled. – Ensure calls to action remain clickable even with disabled images.

6. Set Clear Expectations 

– Inform subscribers about the content and frequency of newsletters during sign-up. – Helps manage expectations and reduces the likelihood of content fatigue or spam reports.

7. Manage Email Frequency   

– Balance email frequency to avoid unsubscribes or being ignored. – Tailor frequency based on industry standards and audience response.