Best Ecommerce Email Marketing Statistics

Lined Circle
Lined Circle


– Email marketing is crucial for eCommerce businesses in the digital age. – Understanding recent email marketing statistics is essential for adjusting strategies.

Best Ecommerce Email Marketing Statistics


Email Users: 4.258 billion worldwide in 2022. ROI: $45 per $1 spent. Email Traffic: 9% of total traffic on eCommerce websites.

Key Statistic

Usage: 44% of businesses employ email marketing. – Unsubscribe Churn: 338 per 100,000 users. – Investment: 36% of retailers allocate over 11% of digital marketing budget to email marketing.

Retailer Engagement: 83.7% of top 1,000 online retailers connect with shoppers via email. – Deliverability: eCommerce emails have a 96% deliverability rate.

Performance Metric

– Open Rate: Average of 15.68%. – Click Rate: Average of 2.01%. – Hard Bounce: Only 0.19%. – Conversion Rate: Cart abandonment emails boost sales by 4.43%.

Personalization: Emails with personalized subject lines increase open rates by 26%. – Timing: Cart abandonment emails sent one hour after a customer leaves are most effective, converting 6.33% of visitors.
