Choosing the Best eCommerce Email Marketing Software in 2023

Why Email Marketing? 

– Higher ROI than other         channels. – Ldeal for building      community and     customer engagement. – Cost-effective, fostering     relationships with     existing customers.

Key Criteria for Email Marketing Software: 

– Personalized email – Handling large email      volume – User tracking and     segmentation – Folder sharing – Seamless CRM integration – Spam-free email opening – Third-party eCommerce     integration

Top 19 eCommerce Email Marketing Software

1. NotifyVisitors 

– Personalized professional campaign – Drag and drop content editor – A/B Testing – Seamless email list-building tool – Campaign booster – Pricing: Available on request

2. Mailchimp  

– Simple user interface – Drag and drop editor – Landing page – A/B testing – Pricing: Plans start at $11/month, up to $299/month

3. Campaigner 

– Advanced email marketing automation – Responsive template – Built-in image editor – Sign up form – Geolocation reporting – Pricing: Plans start at $59/month

4. Omnisend 

– Drag and drop email builder – Pop-ups, landing pages, and interactive form – Exclusive discount code – Automation tool – Ready-made template – Pricing: Plans start at $16/month

5. Sendinblue 

– Integrated CRM – Targeting multiple contact – Facebook ads for lead generation – Pricing: Plans start at $25/month