Unlocking the Secrets to High Conversions" - Take your email marketing to the next level with this ebook, which covers advanced tactics such as segmenting your email list, optimizing your email design, and personalizing your messaging.
For facilitating its notification services on the Web, IOS, and Android, Firebase uses cloud services. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) operates by generating unique tokens for each device and later using those for sending messages to respective devices. For sending web push notifications, Firebase generates tokens by using javascript.
In this blog, you’ll get to know everything about how to implement web push notifications firebase.
Firebase Cloud Messaging is Google’s free mobile notification service. It lets third-party app developers send notifications to their users from Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) servers. This enables you to inform users about various data available for sync in real-time.
It upstreams messages from users’ apps to FCM servers and downstream messages from FCM servers to users’ apps and. You can use FCM to engage, retain, and re-target your users irrespective of where they’re in the world.
Following are the benefits of sending web push notifications from firebase.
Here are step-by-step instructions to help you implement web push notifications Firebase.
down. It’ll come into use in the forthcoming section. In case you don’t copy this now, you may retrieve it from the ‘Settings’ section.
< script src = “https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/8.3.2/firebase-app.js” > </script>
<script src = “https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/8.3.2/firebase-analytics.js” > </script>
1. For the code mentioned at the top, add the code given at the bottom, after where you find // Initialize Firebase.
// Initialize Firebase
firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);const messaging=firebase.messaging();//Custom function made to run firebase service
getStartToken();//This code recieve message from server /your app and print message to console if same tab is opened as of project in browser
2. You can write the code at the bottom in a separate js file present in your HTML page or you can append it to the code at the top in the <script> tag.
messaging.getToken() is a function used to retrieve tokens using Firebase SDK. If a token is found, it is sent to the server to be stored, else the user’s permission is sought via the RequestPermission() function.
setTokenSentToServer() is another function that utilizes local storage to assign 1 as the value of sendTokenToServer in case token has been sent to the server already and 0 in case token is not sent to server owing to the occurrence of an error when it is sent to the server or is retrieved from the firebase SDK.
Now that everything you need to send notifications from the project is ready, here are details about how you can send a notification to the end-user whose token you know-
1. Initially, you need to receive a service key. Carry out the following steps-
2. Sending push notifications
Let’s use the postman platform to send web push notifications from Firebase. Here are the things that you need to do is-
3. Set the POST request type.
4. Enter the URL: https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send
5. Click on the Headers section.
You need to fill up two headers viz., authorization and content-type.
· Authorization: Paste the server key you have copied.
· Content-type: application/JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
6. Now click open the Body section. Paste the user token that Firebase retrieved at the time of user registration.
7. Now send the request. You’ll be able to send push notifications to your users from the server. Note that when you send your first push notification to a user, the web browser will ask for his/her permission to receive notifications from you. Only if he/she grants permission, you’ll be continually able to send pushes. You can ensure that your user grants his/her permission by following our push notifications tips. However, it is essential to test push notifications for different platforms to make the best out of them.
You’d have understood by now that sending web push notifications using Firebase isn’t as difficult as it seems. It doesn’t require a lot of resources and doesn’t take much time. Besides, using web push notifications Firebase doesn’t influence the expense of your website maintenance or web application. If you still need more details on its functionality, do go through the Firebase documentation.
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