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10 Best Customer Lifecycle Management Software in 2024

Customer lifecycle management (CLM) software landscape has evolved to meet the dynamic needs of businesses in engaging and retaining customers. CLM software plays a crucial role in understanding, managing, and optimizing every stage of the customer journey, from acquisition to retention.

With the advancement of technology, businesses are leveraging CLM software to gain actionable insights, personalize customer interactions, and deliver exceptional experiences. Here are the top 10 customer lifecycle management software solutions that are making waves in 2024.

Best Customer Lifecycle Management Software to Consider

1. NotifyVisitors

NotifyVisitors is an all-in-one customer lifecycle management software offering a unique blend of features. It includes email marketing automation, website personalization tools like popups and signup forms, gamification elements, and detailed analytics.

It caters to businesses aiming for a comprehensive CLM solution with a user-friendly interface and an emphasis on engagement across multiple touchpoints.


  • Email Marketing Automation: Build and automate email campaigns with a drag-and-drop editor, personalization options, and A/B testing capabilities.
  • Website Personalization: Personalize website elements like popups, signup forms, and product recommendations based on user behavior.
  • Omnichannel Marketing: Engage your audience across different channels, including email, SMS, web push notifications, and on-site popups.
  • Gamification: Gamification techniques like the Wheel of Fortune and countdown timers can make the signup process more enjoyable and incentivize desired actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Advanced Analytics: Track user behavior, monitor campaign performance, and gain insights into customer engagement.

Pros: It has a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features for email marketing, website personalization, and omnichannel engagement. It offers a good balance of functionality and affordability for businesses of various sizes.

2. Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC):

SFMC caters to large organizations with complex marketing needs. It offers marketing automation, providing features like email marketing workflows, social media scheduling, and lead nurturing campaigns.

Powerful analytics and customer journey management tools deliver deep insights into customer behavior and allow you to personalize experiences across touchpoints.

Seamless integration with Salesforce CRM (additional cost) fosters a unified view of your customers for both marketing and sales teams. However, its comprehensive features come with a steeper learning curve and a higher price tag than other options.


  • Marketing Automation: Automate redundant tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and lead nurturing campaigns.
  • Advanced Analytics: Attain deep insights into customer behavior and campaign performance with robust analytics tools.
  • Segmentation & Targeting: Develop highly targeted marketing campaigns by segmenting your audience based on demographics, behavior, and interests.
  • Omnichannel Marketing: Deliver personalized experiences across various channels like email, social media, mobile, and web.
  • CRM Integration: Integrates seamlessly with Salesforce CRM for a unified view of your customers across marketing and sales teams (additional cost).

Pros: It is ideal for enterprise-level businesses with complicated marketing needs. It offers powerful features and comprehensive customer journey management capabilities.

3. HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot offers a user-friendly platform with a free tier and paid plans. It’s ideal for businesses seeking an all-in-one solution with a focus on inbound marketing and lead nurturing.

Core features include email marketing automation, landing page creation, web analytics, and built-in CRM functionalities for managing leads and contacts.

The free tier is good for businesses with limited budgets, while paid plans unlock advanced features like marketing automation workflows and lead scoring.


  • Free Tier Available: Offers a free plan with limited features, making it accessible for startups and small businesses.
  • Marketing Automation: Automate email marketing workflows, lead nurturing sequences, and social media posting.
  • Landing Pages & Forms: Build high-converting landing pages and capture leads with customizable web forms.
  • Website Analytics: Track website traffic, analyze visitor behavior, and measure campaign performance.
  • CRM Integration: Built-in CRM functionality for managing leads, contacts, and deals (limited features in the free tier).

Pros: User-friendly interface, affordable pricing plans with a free tier. Ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution with a focus on inbound marketing and lead nurturing.

4. MoEngage

A customer engagement platform with a focus on mobile marketing. MoEngage offers features like push notifications, in-app messaging, A/B testing, and user journey orchestration. It’s a great choice for businesses with a high mobile app user base.


  • Mobile Marketing Focus: Specialized features for mobile engagement, including push notifications, in-app messaging, and A/B testing for mobile app optimization.
  • User Journey Orchestration: Design and automate personalized user journeys across different touch points within your mobile app.
  • Customer Segmentation: Segment your mobile app users based on behavior, demographics, and in-app activity.
  • Campaign Automation: Automate targeted campaigns based on user behavior and triggers within your app.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Track user engagement metrics, measure campaign performance, and gain insights into user behavior.

Pros: It is a strong choice for businesses with a large mobile app user base. It offers features specifically created to drive mobile app engagement and user retention.

5. CleverTap

Another mobile-centric customer lifecycle management software, CleverTap, offers user segmentation, push notifications, in-app messaging, and campaign automation. Its emphasis lies on driving user engagement and retention within mobile apps.


  • Mobile Engagement Focus: CleverTap offers a suite of features designed to optimize the mobile user experience.
  • User Segmentation: Segment users based on demographics, app behavior, and purchase history.
  • Push Notifications & In-App Messaging: Send targeted push notifications and in-app messages to drive user engagement and conversions.
  • Campaign Automation: Automate personalized campaigns based on user behavior and triggers.
  • A/B Testing: Run A/B tests to optimize push notifications, in-app messaging, and other app elements.

Pros: Ideal for businesses prioritizing mobile user engagement and retention. Offer features to personalize the mobile app experience based on user behavior.

6. Gainsight PX

A customer success platform specializing in customer health scoring, churn management, and proactive outreach. Gainsight PX helps identify at-risk customers and provides tools to improve customer retention. It’s ideal for businesses looking to prioritize customer success initiatives.


  • Customer Health Scoring: Assign scores to customers based on their activity, sentiment, and likelihood of churn.
  • Churn Management: Identify at-risk customers and take proactive steps to prevent churn.
  • Customer Success Programs: Build and manage customer success programs to improve customer retention.
  • User Engagement Tools: Provide features like in-app guidance and user surveys to improve customer engagement.
  • Advanced Analytics: Analyze customer data to identify trends and gain insights into customer behavior.

Pros: Powerful tools for customer success initiatives. Helps businesses identify at-risk customers and improve customer retention.

7. ChurnZero

Similar to Gainsight PX, ChurnZero focuses on customer success and churn management. It offers features like customer health scoring, retention campaigns, and user sentiment analysis. ChurnZero helps predict customer churn and implement strategies to prevent it.


  • Customer Health Scoring: Similar to Gainsight PX, ChurnZero offers customer health scoring to predict churn risk.
  • Retention Campaigns: Design and automate targeted campaigns to win back at-risk customers and prevent churn.
  • User Sentiment Analysis: Analyze user feedback and reviews to understand customer sentiment and identify potential churn triggers.
  • Actionable Insights: Provides data-driven insights to help you improve customer experience and reduce churn.
  • Integrations: Integrates with various CRMs and other business tools for a unified view of your customer data.

Pros: It offers a user-friendly interface focused on churn prevention and features to analyze user sentiment and identify at-risk customers.

8. Omnisend

An email marketing automation platform with built-in features for SMS marketing and website personalization. Omnisend shines in crafting targeted email campaigns and segmenting audiences based on behavior and purchase history.


  • Email Marketing Automation: Create automated email campaigns with drag-and-drop editing tools and personalization features.
  • SMS Marketing: Send targeted SMS campaigns to reach your audience directly on their mobile devices.
  • Website Personalization: Personalize website elements like popups and product recommendations based on user behavior.
  • Segmentation & Targeting: Segment your audience based on demographics, purchase history, and website behavior for highly targeted campaigns.
  • Advanced Analytics: Track campaign performance, analyze customer data, and gain insights into customer behavior.

Pros: Its strong focus on omnichannel marketing, including email, SMS, and website personalization, makes it ideal for businesses looking to create targeted campaigns across various channels.

9. Userpilot

A product growth platform focused on user onboarding, product adoption, and feature experimentation. Userpilot excels in providing in-app guidance and walkthroughs to improve user experience and drive product engagement.


  • User Onboarding: Create interactive product tours, tooltips, and walkthroughs to guide new users through your product or app.
  • Feature Adoption: Drive feature adoption by highlighting new features and educating users on their benefits.
  • User Feedback: Collect user feedback through in-app surveys and feature usage data.
  • A/B Testing: A/B test onboarding flows, product tours, and other elements to optimize user experience.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Track user engagement with product features and measure the effectiveness of onboarding initiatives.

Pros: Specializes in user onboarding and product growth. Helps businesses improve user experience and drive product adoption.

10. Marketo Engage

Marketo Engage is an enterprise-level marketing automation platform that offers features like lead nurturing, campaign management, marketing attribution, and web analytics. Marketo Engage caters to large businesses with complex marketing needs.


  • Lead Nurturing: Automate email sequences and nurture leads over time to convert them into paying customers.
  • Campaign Management: Design, launch, and track marketing campaigns across various channels.
  • Marketing Attribution: Attribute revenue to specific marketing touchpoints to understand campaign effectiveness.
  • Web Analytics: Analyze website traffic user behavior, and identify conversion opportunities.
  • Integrations: Integrates with various CRM and marketing automation tools for a unified marketing ecosystem.

Pros: Offers a comprehensive suite of marketing automation features suitable for complex marketing campaigns and lead nurturing.

Remember, the best CLM software depends on your specific needs and budget. Before making your decision, consider your industry, business size, marketing goals, and technical expertise.


As businesses increasingly recognize the significance of customer-centric strategies, the demand for robust customer lifecycle management software continues to rise. These top 10 CLM software solutions in 2024 offer a diverse range of features and capabilities to help businesses effectively manage customer relationships, drive customer engagement, and foster long-term loyalty.

With the continuous evolution of technology and customer expectations, these customer lifecycle management software are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of customer experience management.

Shivani Goyal

Shivani is a content manager at NotifyVisitors. She has been in the content game for a while now, always looking for new and innovative ways to drive results. She firmly believes that great content is key to a successful online presence.

Published by
Shivani Goyal

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