How to Segment an Email List? Best Tips, Ideas and Strategies {2023}

Email Segmentation Definition 

Dividing subscribers into smaller groups based on factors like age, location, or purchase history to create more personalized content.

Benefits of Email Segmentation 

– Boosts open rates. – Increases click-through rates. – Enhances conversion rates. – Decreases unsubscribers. – Avoids spam filters.

How to Segment an Email List? Best Tips and Strategies {2023} 

1. Engage New Subscribers with Onboarding Emails

Drip campaigns for new subscribers with onboarding emails.

2. Lean into Readers with High Open Rates 

Engage with customers who frequently open emails.

3. Gently Remind Those Who Didn't Purchase  

Send cart abandonment emails and gentle reminders.

4. Nurture Leads in the Sales Funnel 

Customize messaging for different stages in the sales funnel.

5. Reel Inactive Customers Back In

Create a special segment for subscribers not engaging with emails.

6. B2B vs B2C Segmentation 

Tailor content separately for business and consumer audiences.