Welcome to our latest release notes! This month, we are excited to introduce several new features and enhancements for catalog and onsite campaigns. These updates include:
- Option to sync custom catalogs
- Added traffic-based liquid tags for Sign-up form and Website Popups
- Added minimize button in Website Popups
- Updated Analytics overview for Website Popups and Sign-up forms
Let’s dive in and explore the details of these exciting updates.
1. Option to sync custom catalogs
In addition, to sync Shopify catalogs, which were exclusive to Shopify users, we have now introduced the option to sync custom catalogs for your custom online stores.
To begin, you will need to format your catalog data into JSON. Each item in the catalog should be represented as a JSON object, including attributes like name, description, and price.

This JSON data can then be stored in a file on a server or in a database.
Once your JSON file is prepared, you can sync it with NotifyVisitors by going to the brand assets section. Choose the “Catalog” tab and click on “Create Custom Catalog.”

A new window will appear, prompting you to enter details such as “Source name,” “Source URL,” and your username & password.

Enter a custom name for your catalog in the “Source name” field. Then, input the URL of your JSON file source. If your file is encrypted, provide the username and password; otherwise, leave these fields blank and proceed by clicking “Next.”
After clicking “Next,” map the custom attributes of your JSON file with our platform and save the mapping.

Once the mapping is done, your catalog will be synced within a few minutes, depending on the number of items. Our system will automatically sync this catalog every 24 hours to ensure any changes in your JSON file are reflected on our platform.
If you have a catalog on Google Shopping, you can also use the XML file directly. One benefit of using XML is that updates made to your Google Shopping catalog will automatically update the XML file, which will then be synced with our system every 24 hours.
Finally, after your catalog is synced, you will need to map a few fields for event tracking. Click on the three-dotted button next to your synced list and select “Map Event.”

Now map your events and their additional attributes with our system as shown in the image below.

That’s it! Your custom catalog is now synced and ready for use.
2. Added traffic-based liquid tags for Sign-up form and Website Popups
Previously, we had two options for personalized liquid tags: user properties-related tags and dynamic tokens. However, we have now introduced a new option called Traffic-based liquid tags.
Traffic-based liquid tags are incredibly useful for personalizing lead forms or website popups. They allow you to customize the content based on various factors, including the user’s location, referral source, device type, and more.
To add these tags, simply click on any row of your signup form or website popup. A customization box will appear. In this box, click on “Add Personalization Tokens.”

A popup window titled “Select personalization tags” will then appear. Here, click on “Choose Token” and select “Traffic.” Under this option, you will find three different types of traffic tags:

1. UTM – With UTM-based tags, you can personalize your onsite campaigns based on a specific medium, source, or keyword that led a user to your website.
2. Location – With this tag, you can customize signup forms or popups based on the user’s geographical location, IP address, and more. This is particularly useful for promoting region-specific offers or events.
3. Traffic Source – This tag allows you to personalize onsite campaigns based on the traffic source from which the user arrived at your website. This includes search engines, social media platforms, referral websites, and more.
By utilizing these traffic-based liquid tags, you can enhance the personalization of your onsite campaigns and provide a more tailored experience for your users.
3. Added minimize option in Website Popups
We’ve added a new feature that allows you to include a minimize button in your website popups. This feature comes in handy when users are interested in the popup offer but prefer to interact with it at a later time. By minimizing the popup, users can continue browsing the website without any interruptions.
And, when users are ready to engage with the popup, they can easily maximize it.
To enable this feature, either create a new website popup or edit an existing one. Then, navigate to the settings tab in the editor and choose the “Yes” option under “Minimize.”

After configuring the rest of the settings, make your popup live and it will be visible with a minimize button next to the close button.
4. Updated Analytics overview for Website Popups and Sign-up forms
The analytics window now includes not only the analytical properties but also all the settings you have applied in your onsite campaigns. This means that you can find all the settings you have used in one place, making it easier for you to locate them.
We have also noticed that some users have trouble removing a specific setting because they have to search through all the options. But now, you can simply click on the three dotted button next to your signup form or popup, and then click on analytics to see any implied setting.

In this section, you will find all the settings you have applied. Any feature or setting that you haven’t used will not be visible, making the interface more streamlined for you.

This feature is also great for easily troubleshooting any errors related to your onsite campaigns.
In these release notes we have introduced the option to sync custom catalogs via json or XML file. Additionally we have also added new features empowering you to create more personalized and effective onsite campaigns with NotifyVisitors including traffic-based liquid tags, adding minimize button for website popups, and exploring the updated analytics overview.
Kindly try out these new features and as always, we value your feedback and suggestions, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you for choosing NotifyVisitors, and we look forward to helping you achieve your goals!